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Statement from CYT Alumni in support of the Survivors 


In 1980 Christian Youth Theater was founded as an after school theater arts education program for ages 8-18. Today there are CYT affiliates across the nation making it the largest youth theater program in the United States serving thousands of students ages 4-18. The values espoused by CYT are as follows:


  • Treat each individual with respect and significance.

  • Develop character traits including discipline, self-confidence and integrity.

  • Bring families together through the use of individual talents and abilities. 

  • Share the love of Christ in word and deed.


We write this letter with heavy hearts. It has become evident that these stated values have not been upheld. It is clear CYT has failed in their mandate. We have heard stories from survivors speaking out about all types of abuse. It has been chilling for alumni to hear the truth about an organization many love so dearly.


We stand with the survivors who are speaking out about the sexual and emotional abuse, bullying, classism, homophobia, and racism. We will not stand by and allow CYT to silence those voices any longer. We stand side by side with the survivors in hopes that healing may be found.


We, as alumni, have been collectively made aware of the instances of abuse whether it was sexual or emotional in nature. We have been collectively made aware of the instances of systematic racism. We have been collectively made aware of the instances of intolerance against the LGBTQIA+ community. We have been collectively made aware of the instances of bigotry toward those of other religions. We have been collectively made aware of the gross mishandling of sensitive matters because of lack of care, training, experience, bigotry, pride, and fear. We have been collectively made aware of the favoritism, nepotism, and discrimination that has led to the dangerous situations CYT is dealing with today. 


We affirm that diversity strengthens our CYT family and we believe that all members of our community deserve love, respect, equitable treatment and opportunity.


The structure and social contract for CYT is broken. We call for immediate action and definitive change. There have been far too many performative and hurtful decisions and actions by decades of CYT leadership. We believe that in order to have healing and in order for there to be a future for CYT it is necessary that executive leadership  step down immediately. We believe a diverse interim team should be brought in to reform the structures, policies, and processes of CYT. We believe this will create a safe, positive environment that will be beneficial to all children of every color, creed, and nationality.


Every child deserves to have their story told and to see themselves in these stories. Every child is formed perfectly and thoughtfully and deserves to feel valued and significant, and most importantly, seen.


We call for immediate changes. We will not accept another day to pass without significant reform and genuine transparency. We no longer trust CYT to ensure justice behind closed doors. We call for a rededication to Jesus' Great commandment: Love One Another. This new mandate should include policies to protect and defend the personal safety, identity, and integrity of every student, staff, and parent; regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religious or political affiliation, sexual identity, disability, or background. 


We do not write this lightly. We as alumni have had varied experiences with CYT. We acknowledge that there are those that have nothing but positive experiences. We acknowledge that there are those that had nothing but negative experiences. No matter our experience, we believe that CYT can exist and should exist as long as changes are made for the community to trust it to be a safe space for all. 


Next week we will release an in-depth and carefully curated statement of policies. We call for CYT to approve and implement these policies immediately.




CYT Alumni

If you experienced any form of abuse while at CYT

and would like to tell your story or get help.

Contact survivor advocate, Loxie Gant, at

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